Should Your Stucco Inspector and Repair Contractor Be Different?

Should Your Stucco Inspector and Repair Contractor Be Different?

Can your inspector also be your repairman? It does come up often, even though it is a complex problem.

Being an authority in stucco repair and conducting moisture assessments or inspections has always seemed to be a conflict of interest. There is a fine line between warning a homeowner about any stucco-related problems and then telling them how much it would cost to rectify the damage.

Here's the Scenario

What I'd desire to show you is what recently occurred. A luxury builder, a friend, had asked a well-known general home inspector who does moisture analysis and stucco checks to evaluate a new property.

In addition to doing the inspection, this inspector is renowned for offering estimates for fixing any flaws he found. He would then decide which family member would be in charge of the endeavor. The builder/friend asked if I would be available to attend the reinspection to check if anything had changed from the first inspection since we were aware of the situation.

What We Did

I started by asking a close friend to arrange for me to have an hour-long meeting with the inspector after the reinspection. At the conference, it was asked for a cost estimate for stucco repairs.

The inspector began his tests when everyone was set up for the stucco reinspection. It's unusual enough that he was testing the walls inside the home with a wet wall meter in the first place.

The testing session took place outside around July when it was rather humid. Only 72 degrees were present inside the home. The home's rooms totaled more than 7,500 square feet, and its gorgeous marble flooring could be seen throughout.

The Problem

This is essential knowledge, as stucco should NEVER be examined from the inside. False positives in the moisture measurement will result from the interior humidity. For the moisture meter's prongs to reach the plywood under the stucco, as you may recall from past articles, it is required to get a moisture measurement from the outside.

Our inspector, who pointed out several areas that he thought were saturated with water, refuted this. He was getting readings that were too high every time he tested one of the more than 20 locations we provided him. Remember that this was a brand-new home. However unlikely it was, it was very unlikely that these findings were accurate.

The inspector and builder's disagreement became worse as the inspection went on, as was to be expected. It was now time to ask that important inquiry. Can you provide a detailed strategy for repairing each damage?

The inspector said "no," but I persisted in asking him for details on his next visit. The time for him to leave for that appointment, he said, was nearly up. The work for an estimate for stucco repair was announced to him right before him.

Conflict of Interest

This information is important because when we opened a wall from the outside, we found dry conditions in a sample of the areas that this inspector had assessed and declared damaged. Inspector made an incorrect decision.

The logical question that follows is: Did the inspector provide reliable findings? Are these blunders he makes honest or deliberate? Did he intentionally provide false findings to get a repair contract?

Here, there is a conflict of interest. It is never appropriate for your inspector to alert you to an issue with your home before estimating the cost to rectify it.

Would you be informed of any mistakes made during the inspection? Is there a method to retaliate against the inspector, and is there a possibility that the inspection or repair will be reimbursed so that you can be sure you aren't paying for something that wasn't necessary?

It would help if you used an unbiased assessor and unbiased stucco repair expert for the benefit of your job. Nobody's honesty or integrity can be questioned. You may depend on your inspector to make sure the stucco work is completed correctly. Your stucco contractor is a reliable resource if the report missed anything or if a false positive occurred.

You Can Trust Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair / Dayton Stucco

Interest conflicts are eliminated at Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair / Dayton Stucco. Never accept Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair / Dayton Stucco Repair's offer to inspect the stucco on your house. We have a list of top-notch inspectors that we can provide you. Stucco repairs are our area of expertise.

Contact us Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair / Dayton Stucco 

Why Consider Working With Us?

Having worked over 20 years on the field, we at Gold Star Stucco, have been perfecting the art of standardized and/or customized stucco finishes.

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Our Featured Services

Below are the stucco and related services we offer.


From a quick to an in-depth review of your establishment to see if anything is amiss and would require fixing/replacement. 

We accomplish this either through the use of our high-end inspection equipment or the critical eye of our experienced professionals.
Our methods aim for both longevity and safety, applying the latest techniques for the best possible results. 

From removing stains to filling up holes, we have the solutions you need for all your stucco problems.



Don't wait until it's too late! Water damage on stucco is notorious for getting out of hand. Since it's not as noticeable until a good amount of damage is done, it's best to have frequent inspections to make sure that your home is safe from possible cracks and mold -- common symptoms of water infiltration.
Unlike most paints in the market, stucco paint is very important in adding extra protection your home/establishment.

Understanding that, we've come prepared with a wide variety of paints both in color and other practical benefits!



Also known as the "exterior insulation finish system", this is a "wall-padding" method that provides efficient insulation without the extra expense. 

Our team of professionals are skilled on EIFS construction alongside our group of consultants ready to help you with your exterior finish decisions.
Even the most durable material in building construction can get damaged in time. 

Here is where we come in with our experience and know-how on the field and our professionals to help deal with any cement stucco repairs/build.



Repair and replacement of stucco is an essential part of maintaining a building’s integrity. Thus, it's important to follow through with corrections as they are advised by the professionals to assure your home/establishment's durability and the safety of the people staying in it.


Gold Star Stucco's residential and commercial work is always accomplished with excellent craftsmanship for beautiful and durable results.

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