How to Make Your Home's Outside Better in 2022

How to Make Your Home's Outside Better in 2022 | Dayton, OH

The outside of your home is essential in specific ways. The exterior of your house does two things: it protects you and your family from the weather and shows who you are. Dayton Stucco has some suggestions if you want to change the look outside of your home. Learn more about stucco in Dayton.

Think About New Fronts

You can cover or change the outside of your home to make it look better and more valuable. You can use various attractive, long-lasting materials to make a house look modern and up-to-date.

Vinyl siding is a great way to improve the look and function outside your home because it is inexpensive and easy to put up.

Stone veneer, also called manufactured stone veneer, is a cheap material that looks like natural stone.

Stucco has been used to decorate walls and ceilings for a long time because it can be used in many ways, lasts a long time, and looks good.

Dayton Stucco can give your home's exterior a new look and protect it from the weather if you like the look of brick but don't want the hassle or cost of replacing it.

Change It Up

When fixing up the outside of your home, you might want to use siding in different colors, materials, and styles to draw attention to certain parts. 

People walking by will notice how different your home looks with the excellent vinyl siding on the top and the stone veneer on the bottom. The eaves, upper floors, towers, garages, and chimneys can all have colorful and textured siding.

Put On a New Coat of Paint

An old house can be made new again with a fresh coat of paint. 

Over time, the pigment may crack, peel, and lose its shine. 

Even if the paint on your walls is in good shape, you may need a new color to update and modernize your home.

You can save money by just painting the doors and trim outside. 

No matter how big the project is, it should only be done by qualified professionals who have experience working on different exterior surfaces.

If you want to paint stucco, you need to know this.

Changes to Roofing Materials

A new roof might make your home look better from the outside and raise its market value. It also stops water leaks, mold growth, insect infestations, and other problems from happening inside. Roofing materials are available in a wide range of colors and styles. You can save money in the long run if you replace your roof before it breaks completely. You should check your roof once a year to find problems before they get worse.

Tune Up Your Gutters

Corrosion or wear and tear on your gutters can make your house look worse. Also, they keep water and debris from getting into your house and damaging the foundation, siding, and roof. Good gutters and downspouts can keep water from getting into your home and make it look better. Keep the old ones clean if you don't want to spend money on new gutters every few years.

Choose the Right Service Provider

Because fixing up the outside of your home is so important, you should make sure to do it right first. A reliable professional in home renovation will listen to your goals and wishes, assess the current state of your home, and give you honest advice based on what they find. Working with experts is the best way to get the most out of your money and make a beautiful, long-lasting effect.

Which is the Better Option: Vinyl or Stucco Siding?

The majority of homeowners place a significant amount of importance on the manner in which the outside of their houses looks. It is perhaps the most important decision you can make about your property since the way it looks has a significant influence on how much it will be valued in the future. They first choose the appropriate material, debating whether stucco or vinyl siding would be superior, and then determine how to proceed with the outfitting of the space.

When selecting a material that will be used to cover the exterior partitions of your house, it is necessary to take into consideration a few different elements. One of the challenges is deciding whether to use plaster or vinyl siding on the outside of the building. Before making your final decision, it is imperative that you, as is customary, think carefully about the differences between these two options.


When remodeling the outside of your house or looking for a material to use on the exterior of your home, stucco and vinyl siding are two popular options to consider. What kind of vinyl should you go with and what kind of stucco is the best? Why don't we start by helping you differentiate it from the other things?

The decision on the outside siding of your house is likely to be the most important one you will have to make in relation to your house. It is obvious that it is important to choose a material that will have a pleasing appearance and add to the overall curb appeal of the property. However, it is even more important to choose a material that will be able to withstand the unforgiving elements of the weather and the environment, or else you will probably end up footing a hefty repair bill.


We'll start out with the material used for stucco. You may recall it because of its rounded, earthy look and widespread distribution in regions characterized by high temperatures and low levels of moisture or humidity. Plaster, on the other hand, has a wider range of applications than one would usually anticipate.

Plaster is sturdy and brittle, and it requires little support due to its composition of concrete, sand, and limestone combined with water. If you ever decide to redecorate the outside of your house, removing stucco plaster may be an exorbitantly expensive and complicated process. This is one of the drawbacks of using stucco plaster. However, if you search online for someone in the area that performs stucco work, our specialists will be able to assist you in putting it up with no fuss at all.


PVC, which is short for polyvinyl chloride, is the primary component of vinyl siding, which may be purchased in an extremely diverse range of colors, patterns, and designs. Because it is one of the most popular siding materials, it really should be personalized. Because of this, there is a strong reason why you should not worry about your house appearing exactly the same as every other person's home.

In most cases, it may be recognized by the lined patterns of boards that have the appearance of some type of plastic substance. Your outside will seem much more put together and organized if you choose vinyl siding. A unique benefit is the amount of energy it can produce. Its construction features a protective layer that regulates both the temperature in your house and the amount of money you spend on your monthly energy bills. Investigate the availability of contractors that install vinyl siding in the area.


Toughness is essential if you want to save future maintenance and repair costs and headaches as much as possible. If you know how stucco walls are constructed, then you already know that they are long-lasting. It is able to adapt efficiently to the environmental conditions outdoors and can easily withstand wrap blasts of up to 130 miles per hour.

If it is properly maintained, it may last anywhere from sixty to one hundred years without being replaced, depending on how well it has been cared for. Vinyl, on the other hand, can withstand wind speeds of up to 110 miles per hour; but, in the event that damage is caused by the wind, it is likely the most straightforward material to replace.

According to contractors who work with stucco, the material is most frequently a popular choice of siding in drier, dry regions because it can endure heat well. However, it does not work out quite as well in rainier environments, which is an interesting point to consider when living in the Mid-Atlantic region. Vinyl siding that has been correctly installed is an excellent choice despite the fact that it will become wet since rain just rolls off of it.


An additional notion is becoming unclear. Stucco has a tendency to lose its color over time, therefore it has to be painted periodically to maintain its vibrant appearance. The color of high-grade vinyl siding is heated into the material, making it resistant to breaking, stripping, dropping, decaying, and staining.

When the durability of anything grows, the amount of maintenance it requires drops. On the other hand, upkeep is a fundamental component in and of itself. When it comes to making a decision, this factor could serve as the determining factor for you as the owner of the property.

It is recommended that the vinyl siding be washed at least once a year, despite the fact that the two materials do not need the additional support of an extreme kind. The primary maintenance that this kind of siding calls for is a wash once a year, performed at the right intervals after its installation.

On the other hand, the sun will cause the stucco to yellow with time, so you will need to paint it every so often. In the same vein, you need to keep an eye out for any prospective cracks that may appear on its surface. The good news is that finding a solution to this issue won't be too difficult.


Vinyl siding may not be as popular as stucco, but it makes more sense to install it since it is simple, requires no maintenance, is less expensive, and has better energy efficiency. The stucco on the outside of your home will give it a more attractive look; nevertheless, it may not be the most cost- or energy-efficient choice for you. Get in touch with the contact the best stucco team right now for more details.

Pros of Installing Stone Veneer to Your House

Pros of Installing Stone Veneer | Dayton Stucco & EIFS

Stone veneer might be the best choice for you if you want to give your house a distinctive style without busting your budget in the process of doing so since it is quite inexpensive. Just a tiny bit of stone veneer applied to the outside of your house may make it the talk of the neighborhood while maintaining a style that is both long-lasting and kind to your wallet. Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair can provide you with further information on the value that stone veneer may give to your property.

Improve Your Appearance From the Street

Increasing the visual attractiveness of your home's exterior may be accomplished in a number of ways, one of which is by installing stone veneer on your outside siding. According to the Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair's 2020 Cost vs. Value analysis, just adding some stone veneer to the outside of your house has the potential to help you recoup up to 95.6 percent of your investment in the property's value. Both the total worth of your house and the rate at which it may be sold in the future will go up as a result of these improvements to your property. This is a very inexpensive upgrade that will have a significant impact on the visual appeal of your property. You and your neighbors are likely to like the eco-friendly design that it incorporates.

Versatile Design

If you want to modernize your space without breaking your budget, stone veneer is an excellent choice because of its adaptable and flexible design. It also allows you additional options for personalization. You may choose from a wide range of colors, profiles, forms, and sizes to choose one that is the perfect fit for your house by combining it with the siding, stairs, foundation, chimney, and other components that are already on it. This will give your house a magnificent appearance. Adding stone veneer to your house is a great investment that will give your room that additional kick you've been searching for because of its long-lasting structure and the fact that it remains in place forever. Stone veneer may also be used to create the appearance of natural stone.

To give the finishing touch to your room, go outside the box and place some stone veneer on the inside walls of your house as well. This will serve as the ideal accent wall. Stone veneer is a very easy material to work with, which means that it can be added to both the inside and outside of your house to create a beautiful place. This is one of the many benefits of using stone veneer. By applying stone veneer to any wall in your house, you may entirely transform the appearance of your living room, give your bathroom a stunning makeover, or any other wall in your house.

An Affordable Make-Over

Stone veneer, on the other hand, is not created from genuine stone but rather from a lightweight concrete mix. Despite this, it nonetheless has the convincing impression of real stone. Because it does not need the additional reinforcing that natural stone would, the cost of adding stone veneer to your house is significantly reduced, making it more reasonable and friendly to your budget. You also have greater leeway to customize the appearance of your stone veneer thanks to this, giving you more control over the final product. When you decide to modernize your house by using a stone veneer, you may personalize details such as the colors, forms, and dimensions without worrying about going over your financial plan.

Choose Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair's Stone Veneer for your home's exterior.

Are you wanting to improve the appearance of your property in Ohio by installing some stone veneer? Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair is here to assist you in the process of adding that one more component to your project that you have been searching for. Over the course of more than 65 years, we have made it our mission to provide each and every one of our customer's services that is both reliable and of the highest possible standard. Get in touch with us right away to set up a consultation if you're interested in learning more about the procedure by which we install stone veneer.

What You Need to Know About Home Sidings

Home Sidings: What You Need to Know | Dayton Stucco & EIFS

Because replacing the siding of your house is an investment, it is vital to take into consideration certain aspects that will assist you in selecting the kind that satisfies your requirements and is within your price range. The experts at Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair provide some information on popular forms of the siding as well as what you need to know prior to beginning your project regarding this topic.

The Appearance Is All That Matters

It goes without saying that you want your home's new siding to give it a clean and modern appearance, but selecting anything based only on its appearance is not a good idea. Before settling on a design and a material, it is imperative that you give some thought to how long it will last, how well it will insulate, and how simple it will be to maintain. In addition to this, it is vital to collaborate with seasoned specialists that are adept at the installation of siding.

Vinyl Siding

In the typical household, the amount spent each month on heating and cooling accounts for more than half of the total energy bill. Consequently, it makes perfect sense to go with a siding option that also adds an additional layer of insulation. Insulated vinyl siding is available in a broad variety of color and design options, and it adds an additional layer of defense against the elements, including wind, rain, snow, cold, and heat. The majority of vinyl siding products are designed to be relatively simple to clean and maintain, often requiring just an occasional cleaning with a garden hose and a light detergent. Vinyl is by far the most common material used for siding in the United States. This is due to the material's cheap cost, longevity, ease of care, and adaptability. Vinyl of good quality may endure for decades and is very resistant to the effects of the weather.

Stone Veneer Siding

This multipurpose material provides the appearance of genuine stone without the burdensome weight or the prohibitively expensive cost of hand-carved stone. It consists of a lightweight concrete mix, and the ease with which it can be installed can help you save money on the expense of labor. Although manufactured stone veneer siding may improve the look of your house and raise its value, it does not provide the same level of insulation that vinyl does. On the other hand, it is long-lasting and can be purchased in a diverse range of hues, designs, profiles, geographies, and dimensions. It gives the impression of hand-carved stone but comes at a much more affordable price, and it can be utilized on the walls of your home's interior as well as its outside.


Brickface veneer has the appearance and texture of actual brick and may be put to practically any wall that is already there. This long-lasting cladding is made out of a veneer of three layers of stucco, and it is completed with a layer of masonry that has been textured to seem like a brick. It is far more affordable than conventional brick masonry despite its very high level of durability. It is not affected by any kind of weather and is resistant to water damage as well as fading. It is a gorgeous alternative to stone veneer that can be used to repair the surface of the outside of your house at a cost that is more manageable. If you are thinking about brick facing for your house, it is essential to choose skilled professionals that are up to date on the most recent advancements in both technology and method in order to guarantee that the work will be done correctly.


Stucco is one of the longest-lasting alternatives available for residential siding, and it has been used for finishing walls and ceilings for generations. Indoor usage is possible with it as well. Cement, sand, lime, and water are the primary components of stucco, which is applied in three separate layers. Stucco is made up of a combination of these and other components as well. Stucco has a significant advantage over other forms of siding due to the fact that it can be personalized to the color that best suits your tastes and installed in a pattern that is entirely up to you. It is simple to paint and repair, and only minimal care is required to keep it in good condition.

How to Determine Which Type of Siding Is Best for You

Traditional materials like wood and aluminum are often chosen for siding by some homeowners, despite the fact that these materials tend to be quite expensive and may not last as long as other varieties. When choosing to side, the following are some of the most important considerations you'll want to give attention to:

Get in Touch With Us If You Want More Information Regarding Siding For Your Home.

Over the course of our more than 65 years in business, Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair has worked on a variety of residential and commercial siding projects. Customers in Ohio can count on our team to provide them with service that is of the greatest caliber as well as workmanship and materials of the best quality. To book a free estimate for your property, please get in touch with us now by calling or contacting us online. We provide accommodating financing alternatives for home improvements that may be tailored to meet your requirements as well as your financial constraints.

Exterior Repairs to Do During Fall Season

Exterior Repairs to Do During Fall Season | Dayton Stucco & EIFS

It is critical to the health of your house that you prepare it for the colder months of autumn and winter in order to maintain it in good shape. Making home improvements while the weather is still mild in the fall will assist to guarantee that your house will continue to provide you with both security and coziness all through the colder months. At Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair, our trained technicians educate homeowners about the significance of autumn house repairs and routine maintenance by explaining why these tasks should not be neglected.

Check Your Roof & Gutters

Making sure that your roof is in excellent condition may help you avoid costly damage to your house and save you thousands of dollars over the course of its lifetime. Check to see if any of the shingles are missing, broken, or curled. Inspecting the metal flashing that surrounds the chimney and any vents for any signs of damage is another essential step to do. Check out your gutters while you're at it. It is possible that the condition of your roof is deteriorating if you see a significant buildup of granules in the gutters of your home. When heavy rain or snowstorms are expected to occur, it is essential to sweep out your gutters so that they are clear of leaves and other debris. Suppose you suspect that there are significant problems with your roof or gutters. In that case, you should have an experienced roofing specialist come out to do an examination and provide you with replacement cost estimates.

Inspect the Chimney

It is possible to avoid deadly fires and the buildup of carbon dioxide in your house by doing an inspection of your fireplace and chimney to check for damage and the accumulation of creosote. When you are up on the roof, examine the outside of your chimney for any damage, such as cracks, bricks that are loose or crumbling, and so on. It is essential to examine the inside of the chimney for damage and creosote accumulation. To do this, open the damper and beam a powerful flashlight up the chimney. It is essential to get a specialist to come to your home at least once a year to clean and examine your chimney. This will guarantee that it is operating at its highest level of safety and effectiveness.

Examine Your Base of Support

The foundation of your house has a direct impact on the structural soundness of your house in a number of different ways. If you examine your foundation for cracks on a regular basis, caulk any gaps that you find, such as the ones where pipes enter the house and seal any openings that you find, you may prevent water from entering your home, as well as prevent heat from departing and cold air from entering. Your home's foundation may be severely compromised if it is subjected to elements such as flooding, abrupt temperature shifts, nearby development, or water leaks. It is important to have an expert foundation repair and resurfacing business evaluate it if you see any cracks, separation near doors, uneven or cracked flooring, misaligned doors, or damaged walls within the building.

Inspect the Walls of the Exterior

A few warning signs that larger issues may exist outside your house include peeling paint, loose siding, and cracks in the walls. If you don't take care of these problems right now, it might result in more expensive repairs in the future. If the exterior of your home shows signs of structural damage, rot, mold, water stains, or other damage, it is in your best interest to have a professional inspect it to determine whether or not it can be repaired or whether or not your siding or stucco needs to be replaced. If the damage is extensive, it may even be necessary to replace the entire exterior of your home.

Seal Air Leaks

It is a simple, inexpensive, and straightforward autumn home repair job to inspect and replace the weatherstripping in your house. This will help prevent drafts, which will make your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. In addition to this, it is essential to examine the caulking around the windows and doors. The United States Department of Energy estimates that weatherproofing drafty windows, doors, and other openings may help homeowners save up to twenty percent on their annual heating costs.

If your windows are older and tend to be drafty on a regular basis, investing in new windows might dramatically boost the value of your property while also ensuring that you remain warm and cozy during the colder months. Windows manufactured today provide significantly more energy-efficient options than windows manufactured in the past. These options include multi-chambered frames, ClimaGuard® glass with insulating argon gas sandwiched between panels, and advanced sealing systems. These options can save you a lot of money on the costs of heating and cooling your home.

Need More Help? Get in Touch With Us!

Repairs outside the house that need to be done in the fall should not be a headache. The staff at Dayton Stucco & EIFS Repair offers high-quality products as well as services that may assist you in maintaining the excellent condition of both the inside and outside of your house. We have helped thousands of homeowners in Ohio preserve and improve the appearance of their homes over the course of our more than 65 years of expertise working on residential and commercial construction projects.
You may reach us online or by phone at the number 937-400-2848 to get more information about the services that we provide and to get a free estimate right now. We provide accommodating financing alternatives for home improvements, according to both your requirements and your financial constraints.