How to Take Care of Your Stucco House

Stucco is a popular and inexpensive exterior and interior wall covering. The material comes in a variety of colors and may be used on any kind of wall, including brick, block, and stone.

Stucco is a finished sand and cement mixture. This material is lightweight, waterproof, and scratch resistant.

Stucco is a finished sand and cement mixture. This material is simple to work with, waterproof, and resistant to scratches.

Stucco is a flexible construction material that may be utilized on residential and commercial structures. Keep these factors in mind if you decide to use stucco on your interior or exterior walls.

1. Cleaning Stucco in the Spring

Because stucco is somewhat porous, thorough cleaning is essential. Spring is the most fantastic time to clean the material.

Warmer temperatures in the spring and summer will aid in opening the plaster's pores. Washing the stucco material in the spring may save you time and effort in the autumn.

2. Utilize a Stucco Cleaner.

Stucco is often made of sand and cement. The sand will wear away, and the cement will crack over time.

Use a specific cleaning solution to keep the stucco mold-free.

There are spray and powder stucco cleaners on the market. Use the appropriate amount of cleaning product and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

3. Use a primer while applying stucco.

Due to its porous nature, stucco will absorb water. If the stucco accumulates too much water, it will begin to crumble. Stucco cannot deteriorate or be harmed.

To prevent this, use a primer before applying the stucco. A stucco primer will help and hinder 

the stucco's ability to absorb water.

The primer will also aid in the pores of the stucco closing. The primer won't need to cure prior to applying the stucco.

4. Check the Stucco Sealer

Stucco is a porous substance that absorbs moisture. If you use this material on your roof, you must seal it to keep water out.

Stucco sealant may be used to weatherproof the stucco material. The stucco sealer will also assist the stucco material endure the weather.

Stucco sealer is available in a number of hues. You should be able to choose a stucco sealer that matches the paint color on the exterior or interior of your home.

5. Apply Stucco to the Exterior of the Home

Stucco is a great material for external walls. It will assist in keeping moisture and water out of the house. In addition, the stucco will assist to keep the house cool in the summer.

Late spring or early fall are good times to apply stucco on the exterior of a home. The same stucco material that you would use for interior walls should be used.

You will be able to apply the stucco exterior material in a single layer if you use a stucco primer and sealer.

Stucco is a versatile material that may cover your home's exterior. For longer-lasting effects, clean the stucco correctly and apply the appropriate primer and sealant.

The Different Types Of Stucco Textures

Stucco is an excellent choice for builders and homeowners seeking appealing aesthetics, robustness, and longevity. This style of finish allows your property to fit in with the rest of the neighborhood while standing out as distinct in its own right.

What makes this possible? Even if most of the houses or businesses in your community have stucco finishes, they are unlikely to have the same texture or color. Stucco comes in a variety of texture possibilities, which is part of what makes it such a popular siding material. Here are some stucco texture possibilities for your Dayton, Ohio, house or business.

Options for stucco texture

With so many stucco texture choices available, it might take a lot of work to make a final selection. 

Here are some of the alternatives you may have, along with some of their important features:

See it in person

While these descriptions are a fantastic place to start, it is ultimately better to inspect stucco textures in person to choose what is best for you. Contact Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair / Dayton Stucco now to discover the finest stucco texture choices for your Dayton, Ohio home or business. We'd be happy to inform you more about the different possibilities and assist you in making your decision.

The Difference Between Three-Coat And One-Coat Stucco Processes

Stucco may be a lovely textured coating for your house or business property. There are several textures that may be used as a finish to give your structure a unique appearance or to fit in with the surrounding surroundings. However, there is more to stucco installation than meets the eye.

Stucco is much more than the textured finish we see on the outside. There is at least one further layer behind that texture. This "primer" layer provides a stable foundation for the final texture and increases resilience, enabling the stucco to endure longer.

Stucco procedures are classified into two categories. One is known as three-coat stucco, and the other as one-coat stucco. In this section, we will discuss the differences between a three-coat and a one-coat stucco technique, which would be ideal for you in Dayton, Ohio.

Three-coat stucco

Historically, stucco was usually put in three coats. There are three layers in total, with the outer layer having a textured surface.

The lowest layer is made up of asphalt-infused paper and chicken wire that is laid out atop a weather-resistant barrier. After that, a "scratch coat" of Portland cement, lime, sand, and water is placed and harshly textured with horizontal lines before a brown coat is put with a long trowel. Then it's time to apply the final finish in the texture of your choice.

The major benefit is that it is twice as thick as one-coat stucco and hence stronger and more durable. This comes at a price since it is more costly and takes considerably longer to finish than the one-coat stucco method.

One-coat stucco

The term "one-coat stucco" is misleading since it comprises two applications. Initially, a colored finish coat was mixed into the original blend, but the effect was uneven and inconsistent, thus, the procedure was revised to include a second top coat finish.

This method combines the scratch and brown coats into a single premixed mixture. This enables work to be done in days or even hours. It requires less effort and is less expensive than three-coat stucco, which has led to a surge in popularity in recent years.

This approach is flawed because it is thinner, making it easier to break. It's also not as long-lasting as three-coat stucco.

Confide in the experts

Both three-coat and one-coat stucco methods have advantages and disadvantages. Contact Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair Dayton Stucco now to learn more about the differences between three-coat and one-coat stucco processes and which would be ideal for your Dayton, Ohio property. We've provided stucco installation and repair services to local homeowners and businesses for over a decade. We hope to collaborate with you soon!

Why You Should Hire A Professional For Stucco Jobs

Stucco siding is attractive and offers a layer of protection to your property. If you're thinking about installing stucco siding in your home, be sure you use a skilled stucco provider. It may be tempting to attempt to install the siding yourself to save money, but stucco siding only lasts for a short time when badly constructed, and this is specialist job. Finding a competent stucco contractor in your region may help you save a significant amount of time and money. Continue reading to learn more about why you should employ a professional for stucco work.


Working with a professional is recommended whether you are applying stucco for the first time or just making a repair. Stucco may be difficult to deal with if you have no prior knowledge. Professional stucco contractors will, on the other hand, have years of expertise mixing, installing, and repairing stucco siding. Working with an experienced contractor can guarantee that your stucco project is done correctly.


You want your stucco siding to endure as long as possible, which means it must be properly placed. There are various kinds of stucco applications, and selecting the proper one might be challenging if you don't have any prior expertise. A experienced stucco contractor can readily assess whether a standard, one-coat or two-coat treatment procedure is ideal for your property.

When stucco is properly placed, it will last longer and be simpler to maintain. Cracks, breakages, and other severe problems will be less common following the correct application. Avoid costly repairs and upkeep by having a professional install your stucco siding correctly the first time.


Work with a skilled stucco contractor if you want your stucco siding to appear its best. Professionals are familiar with stucco mixing and can always produce a visually beautiful combination. They know how much mixture to apply with each application to obtain the greatest result. It's easy to make your siding seem too thick or too thin when applying stucco yourself.


It's accessible to mistakes while doing DIY stucco siding installation or repair. Some errors may be quite expensive to fix, and you may have to call a professional anyway. Working with a professional ensures the job is done correctly the first instance. This will also help you save time and energy since, depending on the size of your house or business structure, the stucco application procedure may take some time.


It's critical to engage with a reputable stucco installation and repair professional. Conduct research on contractors in your region and confirm their degree of expertise. Additionally, it is wise to consider reviews and samples of their work. Finding the appropriate contractor can guarantee that your stucco siding lasts for many years and looks excellent.

If you live in Dayton, Ohio, and are in need of high-quality stucco repair and installation, contact Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair, Dayton Stucco, now.

The Time for Stucco Repair & Coating

Stucco siding is a standard and attractive option for homes in warm areas, but it will need care in the form of repairs and a coating at some point.

People often use stucco for the exterior of their homes because they have been assured that it is highly durable.

It's indeed durable; stucco can last for decades if properly maintained. Here are the instances where elastomeric coating on your stucco siding is necessary.

When Do You Need Stucco Siding Repair?

The first step in stucco maintenance is knowing when it's needed. When in excellent condition, your house is protected from any hazards. However, if a hole or crack develops, it represents a vulnerability in your house's defenses.

If left unattended, water, insects, and other pests can enter your home through it. Preventing these issues from ever occurring is crucial.

It's wise to make checking the stucco on your house a routine. Proceed to the exterior and inspect the stucco as you stroll around the structure.

As time goes on, the stucco may seem old and worn and need to be repainted. Examine the stucco for holes, fissures, or blisters. Something is broken and needs fixing if it happens.

Reasons For Stucco Damage

Stucco siding restoration begins with determining what caused the damage. That way, you can deal with the issue without worrying about it cropping up again in a few months.

Some potential causes of stucco damage are discussed below:

Incorrectly applied:

Applying stucco requires multiple coats. If one of the coats was misused, the stucco is likelier to crack and break.

Water damage:

Stucco becomes weaker and more likely to crack if water penetrates it. Because of its vulnerability when applied in damp conditions, careful application is required.

Repairing stucco siding requires first ensuring that no water is getting in. This could be from a leaking downspout or an unweatherproofed door or window.

How to Fix Your Stucco

Now that the cause of the damage to your stucco has been identified, you can set about restoring it to its former glory. Fixing it isn't too tricky, and the repairs you make will hold up for years if you do them correctly.

1. Chip Away Damage

The damaged stucco must be chipped away first. Considering you already have a hole where it cracked or blistered, it shouldn't be too harsh. You may dampen the area beforehand to reduce the dust kicked up from the wall.

2. Apply Tar Paper

After that, you'll need to cover the exposed wall with new tar paper. Make sure there is an overlap between the new and old articles when applying this. This will prevent leaks from occurring inside the house by preventing moisture from penetrating the wall.

3. Add Metal Lath

It's time to attach the new metal lath to the wall by making patches. Your new stucco will be applied to this surface.

4. Patch With New Stucco

Now you can stucco over the holes in the wall. Hardware stores typically stock patch kits, so you can avoid the hassle of measuring out precise cement amounts.

Do as directed and apply it to the wound. Please don't rush into painting, matching the rest of the patch to the house before it has fully cured.

Using Elastomeric Coatings On Your Stucco

After fixing the stucco, it's time to consider repainting the home. Because there are now no problems with the stucco, this is the ideal moment to paint the whole outside.

Re-painting stucco is typically done every 5-10 years, regardless of whether or not any repairs have been performed. When it comes to painting time, you should use the highest quality paint you can find. Higher-grade color has a greater chance of withstanding the weather.

Investing in higher-quality paint will improve the final product. There is no doubt that this will increase the longevity of your stucco and boost the property's curb appeal.

Benefits of Coatings

In recent years, elastomeric paint has become one of the most popular options for painting stucco. The name of this painting gives away its main characteristic: it stretches. Because of its flexible construction, it may expand or compress depending on the temperature outside.

Because of this, you can expect to get more years out of a paint job before it needs to be redone, as there is much less risk of the paint cracking as the temperature outside changes. As a paint explicitly developed for stucco, elastomeric paint is a top choice for home exteriors.

Coating Application

Make sure there are no visible nail holes or brush strokes when you apply the paint. Waterproof elastomeric paint requires an uninterrupted surface. It's not hard to see why this siding paint is becoming more popular among homeowners. Stucco wear and tear is significantly reduced when watertight and elastic.

Less siding damage will occur due to water seepage if water is prevented from entering the building. The good news is that as it stretches, cracking will decrease.

When painting stucco, it's usually best to hire a professional painting crew to achieve the best results. They can paint it wholly and evenly, sealing gaps and making it genuinely watertight.


You have gained an understanding of why stucco siding repair is so important. When necessary, make repairs and coat it with an elastomeric coating to prevent further wear and tear.

Buyer Beware: Not All Stucco Homes are Created Equal

There are a lot of factors to think about when purchasing a home with a stucco exterior.

Real estate programs on television are something you're familiar with. Location, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and interior design options are all factors that the real estate agent and prospective purchasers consider. Contrarily, the outside wall covering of a house is seldom discussed. As a builder, this worries me because siding is a significant factor in a home's aesthetics and practicality (it shields the structure from the elements, for one thing). A lot of thought must go into selecting stucco siding. What you must know is below.

Stucco installation

Similar to installing any other home improvement material, the quality of the work mainly determines the quality of the stucco. Due to its multi-layered construction, stucco is particularly vulnerable to the improper application by a less-than-skilled contractor. Incorrect flashing ranks high on the list of installation mistakes. Because of this, water seepage may occur, which often results in costly repairs.

Stucco might start to crumble if sand used on the outside of the house is incorporated into the soil surrounding it. Despite the fact that cracks may be fixed, the expense usually falls on the homeowner. Even more frustrating is that many installation problems appear years after being performed.

Due to the specialized nature of stucco work, it's important to hire carefully.

Water damage

Stucco needs to be kept dry to keep its shape. Water must be diverted away from the house, so properly installing gutters and downspouts is crucial. Water can seep through stucco, so paying extra attention to the caulking around doors and windows is essential.

Paint color commitment

Stucco can last for over 50 years as a siding material, so it's essential to plan if you want to use it. It's possible to alter the hue of your stucco; you'll first need to sandblast it. You might have moisture problems down the road if you skip this step.

Stucco siding marketability

Many factors explain why purchasers in wetter or more humid locations hesitate to commit to a property with a stucco exterior. As a result, houses with stucco siding often stay on the market for a more extended period than comparable properties with different exterior finishes. To keep repair expenses to a minimum, it is crucial to have a trustworthy stucco inspector working with your real estate agent.

What is EIFS?

A wide variety of stucco is available, and picking the right kind for your house can initially be a little bit challenging.

This post was created to assist you in getting a sufficient understanding of the wide varieties of stucco so that you can proceed with making a selection that is based on accurate information.

What is Stucco?

Stucco is a cement-based plaster used as a construction material for thousands of years and continues to be utilized in modern construction. It has been used in some capacity or another in all many locations of the globe, and it is also a fairly frequent construction material in the Wayne area of New Jersey.

Many people have the misconception that stucco refers to just one specific material. Still, in reality, it is an umbrella word that describes a variety of construction materials that adhere to the same fundamental architectural principles.

An example of a simple three-coat stucco system used in the United States today may be seen in the picture to the left. The two different materials that are grey in hue make up the base coatings, also known as the "hard coats" in the system.

Stucco is produced by combining Portland cement, sand, and water. Once the mixture is ready, it may be applied to a wall or another surface to create a sturdy exterior for a house. It is meant to protect the building from the outside elements and keep the building insulation in place, and it may be applied to the substrate you are working with either by spraying it on or trowelling it on.

The term "hard coat" is given to stucco because it is often made with a foundation of Portland cement, the most prevalent hard coat base used in stucco systems. This is the "hard coat" used in stucco systems the most often, and it is also the component that lends the moniker "hard coat" to stucco. Stucco made of Portland cement is a material that is often used in New Jersey.

EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finishing System) –This stucco finish is utilized as a material for coating the outside of the building. After World War II, brick walls were fitted with EIFS, which stands for exterior insulation and finish systems. These systems were first developed in the 1960s and 1970s. It was frequently utilized to preserve heating and cooling energy in the 1970s, contributing to its popularity during that decade.

What is EIFS?

A synthetic stucco application known as Outside Insulation Finishing Systems, or EIFS for short, is a system used to finish a house's exterior. The system is widely utilized in Europe, and its use on the American continent dates back to the late 1970s. The exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) utilizes a synthetic stucco that is strengthened with layers. The one-coat and the three-coat EIFS are the two primary varieties of this kind of siding. The one-coat is a single layer often composed of polyurethane and does not include a base or finish coat. A base, a scratch coat, and a brown coat are the three layers that make up the more conventional stucco application known as the three-coat system.

On the outside of the house, a barrier that is water-resistant will be installed. Synthetic material is often used for the construction of water-resistant barriers. If the water-resistant barrier is placed correctly, it will provide a vapor barrier that will stop moisture from entering the house. This will keep the home from becoming damp.

The EIFS system is a more energy-efficient alternative than the conventional stucco application. Copper, aluminum, wood, and vinyl are all more expensive than this material, which makes it an attractive choice. Synthetic stucco is an excellent option for use in regions that are characterized by strong winds and severe weather conditions. In contrast to typical stucco, it is not subject to damage from exposure to the outside environment.

EIFS, or external insulation and finish system, is a material that does not burn and is resistant to fire. EIFS is an excellent material to employ in residential construction projects that need a high level of fire protection due to its fire-resistant features.

EIFS Advantages

EIFS is a product with very high energy efficiency and comes with several additional benefits as well. It is more budget-friendly than conventional stucco since it can be put in a shorter amount of time. In addition, it is an excellent option for locations that often experience gusty winds and wet weather. For instance, EIFS is a good option for use in coastal regions. EIFS is a good option for locations prone to heavy rain because, compared to traditional stucco, it does not allow as much water to pass through it. Additionally, the material is unaffected by temperature extremes such as freezing or thawing.

EIFS is a long-lasting product with a lifespan of up to fifty years. It can withstand severe weather conditions as well as a variety of different sorts of environmental factors, such as rain, hail, snow, and sun. There are circumstances in which EIFS may be useful in insulating a house from the sun's heat. It can withstand the test of time since it is unaffected by the weather. Additionally, the item is resistant to fire.

To make maintenance of EIFS as simple as possible, it may be painted over, and pressure washed.

When is it Time to Repair Stucco Cracks?

Have you, as a homeowner, noticed that the stucco on your walls is starting to crack, when is the right time to repair stucco cracks? When will the need for maintenance become apparent?

Stucco is prone to developing cracks rather often. Cracks in stucco walls are obvious to anyone who has them. are almost inevitable because of the material. If you have stucco in your home, you need to educate yourself on how cracks form and how often you should be prepared to fix them.

The following is a guide that will explain what causes stucco cracks, how to fix them, and when it is necessary to repair them.

Different types of cracks in stucco

Stucco walls are susceptible to developing a variety of different sorts of fractures over time. Cracks in stucco may be repaired in a variety of ways, and which one you go with will depend on the causes of the cracks.

To determine the kind of cracks that are present in your stucco, you must first search for the following things.

Hairline Cracks: Most of the time, these cracks are only 1/16 of an inch wide or less. These are the most common kinds of cracks you'll see. Whether you choose one or the other depends on them. Most of the time, they happen in new homes because the plaster settles and moves as the house is being built. Hairline cracks can sometimes be caused by drying wood, shifting foundations, and building work.

Foam Trim Cracks: Cracks can also happen in the foam molding that goes around stucco. If you see cracks here, it means that the foam trim wasn't put on with fiberglass mesh tape. Then, over time, cracks will form because of the expansion and contraction.

Spider Cracking: The name comes from the fact that the cracks in your stucco look like spider webs. If you see this in your stucco, it means the base coat wasn't given enough time to dry out. This could be because too much water was in the mix, it dried too quickly, or the temperature needed to be right when it was put on.

Pattern Cracking: Your walls may have cracks in a specific pattern. Most of the time, it shows up on your stucco as a grid of horizontal and vertical lines. This is happening because of problems with how the lath was put in place. It probably wasn't put on right, which will cause more cracks over time.

Diagonal Cracking: As the name suggests, these cracks are diagonal. They are often found around doors and windows. Changes in the foundation caused by earthquakes cause these to move. If these cracks are bigger than others on your stucco, you should fix these first.

How and When to Fix Cracks in Stucco

So, when should you fix cracks in your stucco if you've seen them?

the simple answer as soon as you can.

Even if you just noticed a small crack, you should fix it right away. It may be small right now, but it could grow and cause more problems in the future. Filling it in now will stop that crack from getting worse.

In addition, you'll need to ensure your home is safe. If the stucco has cracks, water can get in and cause problems like mold and dampness. If you don't catch them early, they are hard to fix, so the sooner you fix that crack, the better.

Cracks: How to Fix Them

How you fix cracks in your stucco will depend on how the crack got there in the first place.

It's not too hard to fix a small crack like a hairline. You can get many things to help you fill it in at your local hardware store. If you need to decide which one to buy, ask the people working there.


Acrylic caulk, which can be used to fill in gaps, is the most common product.

When to Call a Professional

The lath underneath needs to be fixed or replaced when there are pattern cracks in the stucco. This means that the stucco will have to come off to get to it. Once the lath is properly fixed, new stucco must be put on top.

If there are big cracks or cracks that go in different directions, it's likely that there's a problem with your home's foundation. You'll need to call professionals to fix the foundation in these situations first. If you don't, you'll see more cracks that get bigger over time. Call a pro to look at your foundation and figure out how to fix it.

How to Keep Stucco from Cracking in the Future

Now that you have fixed any cracks in your stucco, you want to ensure that no more cracks will appear.

How can you make sure that you won't have to fix the stucco again?

The way the stucco is put on makes all the difference, so if you want the best results, you'll have to put on new stucco.

There are ways to put things together that will also reduce cracks. Inquire about control joints, casing beads, and corner beads with your construction team. All of these work to reduce the stress on the stucco, making it less likely to crack.


If you are careful and watch your stucco closely, you can stop any big problems from happening. If you fix small cracks as soon as you see them, they won't get worse and cause you more trouble. When you see cracks in stucco, fixing them as quickly as possible is best.

If they are more extensive or more complicated than you thought, you should have a professional look at them. Call Gold Star Stucco for more info.

This way, your stucco will stay in good shape for many years.

What Are The Best Things About Stucco, And Why Should You Use It On The Outside Of Your House?

If you want to change the way the outside of your house looks, stucco is a great choice. This material will completely change the way the outside of your house looks. Stucco is made of cement glue, sand or marble stones, color, and water. It's a great way to give a home a modern look.

There are a lot of good things about this material. Here are some reasons why you should use stucco for the outside of your home:


This cement mixture is so strong that it can last up to 50 years with very little care. Stucco moves up and down with the weather, so you don't have to worry about cracks, and this material won't break when the seasons change. If your contractor does a good job of waterproofing the outside of your stucco, it will also be able to resist mildew, mold, and rot.


Stucco requires very little upkeep because it doesn't need to be painted or put back up again and again. Unlike some other materials, stucco doesn't need to be replaced or cleaned as often, so as a homeowner you can enjoy these benefits and not worry about the outside of your home. If you ever think your stucco looks dirty, you can easily clean it with a power washer. If you want a change, you can also paint your stucco.


Putting stucco on the outside of your home can make it more valuable, since potential buyers will notice this feature. Stucco is not only good for saving energy, but it is also fireproof, won't rot, and is easy to keep up. This will make your home much more valuable. Stucco can also reduce noise and make your house look better from the outside, so it's a great choice to think about. If you decide to sell your home, this material will make it worth more, and if you decide to stay, you can get better insurance rates.

Simple to set up

This is a very simple process, and putting up stucco only takes about two days to finish. This includes the time needed for drying, so the process is quick. Also, stucco is a versatile material because it can be used on many different things, such as wood and brick. Once the stucco has been put up, you can choose the color. This is a fun step, so think about what you like. Remember that, unlike with brick, you can change the color of stucco whenever you want.

You can get more information about this material from the experts at Gold Star Stucco & EIFS Repair / Dayton Stucco. We can help you fix your stucco and change the look of your home. Give us a call today to learn more.


PAINTING AND RECOATING: Parex USA finishes tend to look good for a long time. But if you want to, you can re-coat Parex USA acrylic finishes with DPR Coating or Elastomeric Coating. It should be clear that coatings will change the original finish's feel and shine. Recoat Gel is made to not change the texture of the surface. This is especially important to think about if the coating will go over a sand or sand fine finish that is already there. Some of the texture may be lost because of the size of the aggregates in these finishes. It is best to use a physical sample when trying to match the color of an existing Parex USA finish, since older finishes may have changed slightly from the original color.

The finish that is already there should be clean and dry. The coatings from Parex USA can be put on with a brush, a roller, or a spray gun (follow the product data sheet for application). Most coatings can cover surfaces well with just one application over existing finishes. But two coats may be needed, depending on the texture and/or color of the existing finish. For single applications with a roller, use vertical strokes that overlap by half the width of the roller. For two coats, use horizontal strokes to apply the first coat and let it dry. The second coat should be put on in the same way as the first, but at a right angle to the first.

RESURFACING AND REFINISHING If the finish material needs to be a close match to the color of the existing work, it's best to send a sample to the Parex USA Color Department so they can look at it and match it. Even then, the new finish might look a little different from the original finish because of age or a difference in how the applicators add texture. If a wall surface needs to be refinished, it might look better to resurface a panel or larger area up to an existing break or end than a smaller patch area.

Patching and Repairing say that refinishing should only be done by someone who has used Parex USA materials before. One of the above ways must be used to clean the area first. Second, on the clean and dry existing finish, a skim coat of Parex USA base coat (Cementitious/Acrylic type) should be troweled on with a stainless steel trowel to a uniform thickness to fill all the holes left by the original texture. If you want to make the surface more resistant to impact or need to fix other parts with reinforcing mesh, you can embed it in the wet base coat by following the instructions in the Parex USA EIFS application Guide. If primer was used on the original work, use Parex USA Primer to make the new finish more uniform in color and easier to apply with a trowel.

Follow the instructions on the Parex USA Product Data Sheet for the finish and texture you want to use when putting on the new finish. Flashing and caulks The first sign that water is getting into the building should be a sign that there is a problem that needs to be fixed right away. Like other wall claddings, EIFS systems use flashing and sealants to keep water from getting behind the cladding.

Because of this, it is a good idea to check the installation every so often at these key spots: